Custom Font loading in KMP-Compose Multiplatform.Loading fonts in KMP is not yet supported officially, but google gives some api to load fonts on iOS , Desktop and Android separately.May 30, 2023May 30, 2023
Proto3 Null SupportI found following two methods to add Null support in proto3, you can use according to your use-case. (I will add more methods as soon as…Dec 25, 2020Dec 25, 2020
Ktor Database connection with H2 (Ktor and Exposed)I am expecting you have setup project and having basic understanding of Ktor as explained in my previous article.Apr 3, 2020Apr 3, 2020
Ktor API developmentKtor is a framework for building asynchronous servers and clients in connected systems using the powerful Kotlin programming language.Mar 31, 2020Mar 31, 2020
Quick Search Animation Using MotionLayoutI was exploring uplabs and found this beautiful animation,and decide to make using MotionLayout animation, with No code, only XML.Feb 7, 2020Feb 7, 2020
How NFC Work? Development on NFCNFC is a short-range wireless technologies, Required a distance of 4cm or less to make connection. NFC can share a small amount of data…Dec 15, 2019Dec 15, 2019